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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Days of Service Ideas

Ok, 30 Days of Service is only 8 days away! We've been working on our end coming up with ideas on how we can serve our community, our neighbors, our friends, and our family. Here's what we've come up with so far: 

Help at the SPCA
Bring treats in to the teachers at Superman's school
Give a grocery gift card to someone in need
Visit a retirement home and bring something homemade
Pick up trash in our nearby town
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Send letters to military
Donate clothes
Pay for the person behind us in Starbucks, leaving a note inviting them to church
Bring cookies to fire station
Bring cookies to police station
Donate a goat or a share of a goat through Heifer International
Bring toys to the children's hospital
Make backpacks with supplies for foster kids
Bring cookies to an elderly neighbor
Visiting one of the neighboring farms and ask what we can do to help
Let someone go in front of us at the grocery store and offer to unload their cart for them
For the kids: Do someone else's chores for the day
Call up a random friend and ask what I could do for them that day
Bring coffee/cocoa to a sick friend
Help do small tasks at our local Christian adoption agency
Send extra gifts to the kids we sponsor through World Vision and Compassion International

What other ideas do you have? Please share! We only have about a week left to come up with at least 30 of them! 


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