It's amazing how quickly a child can scarf down his lunch when there's a piece of candy waiting for him at the other end. Candy is a pretty hot commodity around here since the kids don't eat it often. And when they gain a big stash all at once, they get one piece after lunch and one after dinner. So you better believe when they have an opportunity arise, they seize it.
We went to our church's Trunk-or-Treat last night. This was no ordinary Trunk-or-Treat. I heard they were expecting around 10,000 people?? I think that was a conservative estimate. The event was held at the county fairgrounds on the Speedway. Pretty cool! We got there right at starting time, and there were already a few thousand people there, I'm sure. Here's a picture of my father-in-law pushing the girls through the sea of people:

We also did some obligatory pumpkin-carving over the weekend. The weather could not have been more perfectly delightful. We decided to take advantage of the girls napping and had the boys clean out their pumpkins and draw faces on them. Then Superman cut them out...ain't no way we were gonna let those boys go free with carving knives (even though J-Man is pictured below with a pumpkin carver)...ahem.

The pumpkins got me thinking...just about how we all have gunk. I mean, we all have things that we'd like to scoop out of ourselves. And don't tell me you don't...because that would be lying. None of us is a perfect pumpkin. I'm just glad we have a Lord who is willing to take us--gunk and all. And that I have a Savior who will take away as much of that icky stuff as I'll let Him. I mean, if I want to hold on to the sticky stuff, He won't fight me on it. But I think we all know we'd all be a lot happier if we just let the gunk go.
We went to our church's Trunk-or-Treat last night. This was no ordinary Trunk-or-Treat. I heard they were expecting around 10,000 people?? I think that was a conservative estimate. The event was held at the county fairgrounds on the Speedway. Pretty cool! We got there right at starting time, and there were already a few thousand people there, I'm sure. Here's a picture of my father-in-law pushing the girls through the sea of people:
We also did some obligatory pumpkin-carving over the weekend. The weather could not have been more perfectly delightful. We decided to take advantage of the girls napping and had the boys clean out their pumpkins and draw faces on them. Then Superman cut them out...ain't no way we were gonna let those boys go free with carving knives (even though J-Man is pictured below with a pumpkin carver)...ahem.