Monday, May 24, 2010
Newton's Apple and our Adoption Network Kickoff
A few weeks ago, Mr. C asked me why the sky is blue. I gave him a brief explanation as best I could, but decided to look online for any great videos for kids that could explain it better than I.
I stumbled upon this great site: Newton's Apple
It's awesome! There are hundreds of short videos answering all sorts of science questions. It's become a regular part of our homeschooling day. The videos are usually around 5 minutes, so if I need to do something with one kid one-on-one, I'll ask the other kids what they want to learn more about, and let them watch. We use it at least 2-3 times a week. Check it out!
In other news, we kicked off the Adoption Network at our church last Saturday. We had a great turnout with over 100 people! I was so pleased with the way it went. We were lucky to have great volunteers who helped us pull it off, too. I'm so excited to see where this group heads!
So Superman and I are getting a few nights away next month! I've been fervently searching for something adventurous to do. We've narrowed it down to a few things: Moaning Caverns (thanks, Soni!) or a Balloon Ride over Napa Valley. Considering I am pretty much terrified of heights and think I'm being crushed if enclosed in a small space, I'm thinking that rappelling down into a dark abyss may not be the best choice for me...
Of course, being pulled into the air by a BALLOON that has fire holding it up probably isn't the most logical choice, either. But, Superman and I did go parasailing once and it was by far one of my favorite experiences. After I threw up, I was good to go. What do you think we should do?
adoption network,
newtons apple
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Interrupting my regularly scheduled break... talk about how wonderful it is to be done with the adoption process!

May 17th was a greatly anticipated day in our house. I mean, we didn't know until about a month ago what our finalization date would be, but we often dreamed about the day we would be finished with the process.
Monday morning I woke up and couldn't wait to get to the courthouse. We {amazingly} got out the door by 7:20 a.m. with 5 kids, all clean and hair brushed. They even had clothes AND shoes on. And, they had all eaten. Tell me that isn't impressive?
We got there at just the right right through security and only had to wait a few minutes before we were called back to the judge's chambers. We had so much family there that we didn't go back to his office, but were out in the court room. It was wonderful. I can't even put into words the joy I felt when he announced he was terminating G's dependency on the court and signing her off as "our child." I cried a bit, but a lot less than I thought I was going to.
It was all over within about 15 minutes, and we all went and had hot cocoa afterwards. It was a perfect day for it--cool and overcast. We came home and just enjoyed our day. It still hasn't really sunk in yet...maybe after a month's worth of social worker's visits passes and no one shows up. Or maybe after G falls down and gets a bruise and I don't have to e-mail anyone to let them know. Or maybe when we want to go on vacation and I don't have to tell anyone where we're going and when we'll be back. Or maybe when I take her to the doctor and don't have to get a form filled out and sent back to the adoption agency. Ah, so many freedoms!
I'm just so thankful for our sweet girl and so happy to be done. Done. Done. Done. DONE!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
I'm in love, love, love...
I have a new friend. My friend and I have been spending blissful amounts of time together these past few days. It's been a sheer joy getting to know him? Her? It? I think it's all three wrapped in one.
I've been saving up for a luxury item for a few months. And I really mean that. This is no dire is purely something I have just wanted and have no legitimate reason to buy other than that I think it may enrich my life in certain ways. Really, I do.
Alas, I was still a few months away from having enough money for this luxury item. So last week, I asked Superman if he already had plans for Mother's Day. He said, "Of course I have something planned! {Insert short pause}...Why? Did you have something in mind?" I think I sensed a bit of hopefulness in his voice...perhaps he knew I would be presenting him with an idea that would allow him to be "off the hook" and at the same time allow me to be happy and content with my Mother's Day.
I asked him if he'd like to sport me the rest of the money I needed for my new friend to come into my life. He willingly and enthusiastically agreed, and I proceeded to run to our computer to order my new friend...

Ah, the Kindle. A brilliant invention able to hold what seems like an endless supply of books.
We are still in the honeymoon phase.
My heart leaps at the thought of curling up and reading with this new dear friend of mine.
I am thoroughly enjoying this gift!
For all you moms, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and were able to be pampered a bit!
mother's day
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Stream of Consciousness...
First off, J-Man has graduated to the land of missing teeth. He lost his first one on Saturday after what seems like a year of it being loose. The tooth fairy was generous and left something she knew Josh would appreciate--a new CD. She made sure to let him know that the first lost tooth is special, and not to expect such an extravagant gift every time. I dunno...there's just something about that first tooth to me...ahem, I mean, the Tooth Fairy. Like it's a symbol of childish adulthood. Yeah, you read that right. Maybe I should coin that phrase, "childish adulthood."
Good thing she warned him that such awesome gifts aren't in his near future, since this morning, Mr. C "accidentally" kicked J-Man in the mouth (oh, did I say "accidentally"?) and knocked out his other hanging tooth.
Now, tooth #2 hangs safely in a Ziploc baggy on the from little hands. Can anyone say, "25 cents?" What a let down for poor J-Man. I'm sure he'll survive.
Only 13 days until Miss G's finalization! I can't wait to share "real" pictures of her here. You won't be disappointed! She's a cutie, I tell you.
Planning for our Adoption Network Kickoff (check us out on Facebook here!) is going well so far. I've been learning a lot about the red tape involved in planning an event at a big church. If I would have known ahead of time, I probably would have picked a different venue; but I'm actually glad I've been able to see what goes into putting on such an event.
These past few weeks, I've finished reading "The Hole in Our Gospel" (highly recommended), and "Three Cups of Tea." I enjoyed the latter, but it was a bit long-winded for my taste. Right now I'm reading, "The Well-Trained Mind," and I can't say enough good things about this book So many moms (homeschooling and non-homeschooling) have recommended it to me, and I finally forced myself to get it. Soooo worth it.
I find myself reading tidbits of homeschooling books all day, and then at night settling in for some more. I fall asleep thinking "education," and dream about teaching our kids. It seems to have taken over my mind {temporarily}? Each kid has such a different way of learning, and figuring out how to meet each of his needs while not burning myself out has been, well, insightful. I am thoroughly enjoying teaching them, though. I truly feel like I am experiencing life with them, in a way I never felt when they were in school all day. It's exciting to see them progress, and knowing that I had some {small} part in that is wonderful.
13 days! 13 days! 13 days!
adoption network,
stream of consciousness
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